We’ve always done fun family costumes, but this was the first year that any of our kids had an opinion about what we chose to wear!
Several months ago, the girls and I went to my parents’ house, and my dad happened to be watching Star Wars, episode IV. Ada, who at the time was terrified to watch any movie she hadn’t already seen, somehow was NOT scared in Star Wars, and then proceeded to fall in love with the movie and talk about it constantly after that.
She had been on her Star Wars kick for a few months with no signs of it letting up, so when she voiced that she wanted to be Princess Leia (“in the white dress!”) for Halloween, we decided to go with it!
I had plans to make Leia buns using this tutorial, and I also planned to find a cheap white dress at the thrift store, but a little look around online led me to a Poshmark listing for only $20 for the whole look. Sold! The dress ended up being a little long in the arms and in the length, so I just gave it a quick hem!
I found PERFECT white boots on Amazon, but they were out of stock. I’ve spray painted many things in my lifetime, so I decided to give it a go with Ada’s rain boots. They turned out great! Add rain boots to the list of things that can be spray painted, at least for one Halloween night :) (not sure how they’ll hold up haha).
A little bit of make-up completed the look, and Miss Ada was thrilled to finally get to wear some lipstick like mama :)
I knew right away that Holly would be R2-D2. I briefly considered making her costume, but it seemed more cost-effective and time-effective to just buy the one I found on Poshmark. She even kept her hat on for the majority of the night! Score!
For Russ and I, it was a toss-up between being Han Solo & Chewbacca or Luke Skywalker & C-3PO. I had basically settled on Han and Chewy (a more forgiving costume for sure 😅), but when we went to the thrift store to see what supplies we could gather, I found the gold bodysuit for $7! That made it an easy decision! I added gold gloves, a gold hat thing, and gold shoes to complete the look, and the all-gold costume was quite the head-turner! 💃🏼
We gathered most of the supplies for Russ’s costume from the thrift store, used a few things he already owned, and at the last minute bought some fabric to make him “boots.” We decided a day or two too late to be Star Wars people — he had literally just cut his hair! He probably would have cut it again in the meantime, but he let it grow as long as he could in the time we had (two months or so). He did a clean shave to get in character, and I’m not sure when the last time that happened was!
How ‘bout those Photoshop skills 😉
Whenever I see super cool family costumes, I’m always curious about the price breakdown — how much does it COST to look that cool?! Haha so since I think we look pretty cool, I figured I’d provide the cost breakdown for other curious people.
Wrap top (thrifted) - $4
Pants (thrifted) - $5
Belt - already owned
Shoes - already owned
Fabric to make the boot shafts - $1.50
Lightsaber - borrowed
Gold bodysuit (thrifted) - $7
Gold gloves - $10
Gold hat thing - $9
Gold shoes - borrowed
Wig & dress (got on Poshmark) - $20 (with shipping)
Boots - already owned
Spray paint for boots - $1.50
Outfit & hat (got on Poshmark) - $25 (with shipping)
Boots - already owned
Total: $83
On Halloween night, we ate dinner a little early, got dressed in our costumes, and went out trick or treating! We did several houses with friends, and several houses on our own, and Ada loved the whole thing. She kept telling people, “I’m Princess Leia! I love Leia!” I’m so happy we chose to go with her costume choice!
When we got home, we all ate some candy before putting the girls to bed. Then Russ and I broke our 9-year tradition of watching Hocus Pocus on Halloween, and watched a Harry Potter movie instead! Nothing too crazy, but it’s fun that Ada is getting more into trick or treating :)
Did you/your family dress up for Halloween? How’d your night go? Tell me all about it in the comments!