I love to plan and host events in my home, but I also wish I had the capacity to do EVERYTHING. Meaning, every time a birthday, holiday, or even just a good idea comes around, I feel a pull to host a party.
A few years ago, I decided that for the time being, I’d choose ONE annual party to host. After thinking through various things, I decided on Pie Night, and in the four years we’ve been doing it, I can honestly say it was the best choice!
What is Pie Night?
We got the idea for Pie Night from one of Russ’s aunts, who hosts a yearly pie night. Her idea behind the night is that everyone always fills up so much on the Thanksgiving meal, that they can no longer enjoy all the delicious pies that were also baked. To remedy this issue, you have a Pie Night — a night completely separate from Thanksgiving, where you can focus on and enjoy the PIE, without feeling as much like you’re about to explode.
Each couple is asked to bring a pie (sweet or savory, homemade or store-bought — any pie will do!), so we start the party by eating pie and chatting. The first year we hosted a pie night, we included a contest aspect, and had voting on the prettiest, tastiest, and most unique pies. However, that was one part of the party that seemed to add some pressure, so we’ve never repeated that. We want a fun and lighthearted party :)
Once everyone is about finished with their pie, we move on to the game portion of the evening! I LOVE party games that require a lot of people and a lot of interaction, so this is the one night each year when I can count on getting that! We always play Fish Bowl (I’ve also heard it called Poor Man’s Cranium or Celebrity).
Game Play
To play, each person writes down 5 nouns (proper nouns are fine) on 5 separate slips of paper, and everyone drops their papers into a bowl. The group is divided into two teams, and everyone sits in a big circle, alternating team members (with hetero couples, we’ve always done boys vs. girls).
The game is broken into three rounds, and you use the same pieces of paper for all three rounds. The first round is played like Catch Phrase (describe the noun you see, without saying starts with, rhymes with, or sounds like); the second round is played like Password (describe the noun you see using one single word); and the third round is played like Charades (act out the noun you see without using any words or sounds).
On your turn, you get 45 seconds to get through as many of the papers as you can. Keep track of points throughout, and whoever ends with the most points (after all three rounds), wins!
If you wish to play again, simply give everyone 5 new slips of paper.
This is a game that brings a lot of laughter, which is what I love about it!
We host our Pie Night in November, on a night removed from Thanksgiving. We do it as an adults-only party, and we’ve had as few as 3 couples and as many as 7 couples (plus us!). It gets a little chaotic with more couples, so I think the sweet spot is 4-5 total couples. Since the party is adults only, we typically schedule it from 8-10pm, after our kids are already in bed for the night. I created an invitation that I send out via text, and simply adjust the date each year!
What’s great about Pie Night?
Pie Night is a great party to host because it is an easy and fun party to host!
I don’t know about you, but although I love planning elaborate, fun parties, I always stress more when hosting that kind of party. There’s just too much pressure for everything to look right and feel right and be fun — for my guests and for me!
Because Pie Night is so easy to host, it’s also easier to enjoy. Here’s a closer look at what makes this party so easy (and still so fun!) to throw!
Easy prep
When it comes to preparations for this party, they’re so. simple. for both host and guest. Pie Night doesn’t require any decorations (though if you typically decorate for Thanksgiving, you’ve got perfectly festive decor already!), any specific outfits (no costumes or fancy clothes necessary!), or any big purchases.
Pretty much all you need to do to prepare for this party is make sure you have plates, cups, forks, and pie servers. Personally, I opt for paper products, and I ask guests to bring along a pie server if they have one.
For the game, all you need are a bunch of small pieces of paper, a big bowl, and a phone timer!
And the bonus of all this easy prep? It’s a super inexpensive party! Even if you purchase your pie (from a bakery!) and every other thing mentioned in this blog post (paper products, milk, whipped cream, pie server), you’ll still probably spend $30 or less. Even less than that if you buy your pie from a grocery store and already have some of the items on hand!
Easy food
Some people find a lot of joy in cooking and serving food to others! And those people are not me 🤣 I like to eat food, and I like to make some foods, sometimes, but to prepare a whole dinner (especially a festive feast!) sounds like basically the worst thing to me.
Pie Night is great because all you need is pie! And if you or your guests don’t feel like cooking a pie, something from a store or bakery is perfectly acceptable.
I typically provide milk and whipped cream in case anyone wants them, and I’ve had some guests bring ice cream along with their pies before.
Easy activities
There’s no need to come up with any elaborate or themed activities for this party. One of the activities is implied — eat pie! And the game is just a simple and fun addition.
*Pic from 2019, when I was pregnant with Holly. No new pregnancies around here yet!
Change it to fit your desires!
Pie Night is also great because you have the freedom to change up whatever you want about it!
While our Pie Night is adults-only, you might love having one with a few family friends!
While our Pie Night is in November, you could celebrate one on March 14 (3.14, Pi Day)!
While we play an interactive game at ours, you may enjoy continued conversations instead.
Last year, when Covid was in full force in November, we even had a little virtual Pie Night, where we dropped off a few pieces of various pies to some of our friends’ houses. Even though we couldn’t gather together, it still gave a little spark of bonding, which is what I want from Pie Night anyway :)
However you do it, Pie Night is a super fun, super simple way to connect with friends, and I highly recommend it to anyone! :)
Will you host a Pie Night now? Or if you already do, how does yours differ from ours?! I’d love to hear about it!