Three Ways to Work With Me

Have you ever wondered what the process of working with me looks like? Well wonder no more, because today I’m going to walk you through each of the three options, step by step.

My ultimate goal is always to help you and your family get the sleep you need so you can live a life you love, but different families have different sleep consulting needs based on their own personalities as well as the sleep issues involved. My hope with this post is to give you a better idea of which package will be the right fit for YOUR family!

Each of my package options build on one another, so I’ll start with the least expensive/least support option, and work up from there!

Dream Keys

Dream Keys are my sleep guides that walk you through all the details you need to know to improve your little one’s sleep. Dream Keys are broken down by age so you can get the information you need about your child’s current age without being overwhelmed by extra information for other ages. These guides are in PDF format, and they range from 12 to 19 pages and $35 to $45.

There are so many books out there on how to fix sleep, but when on earth is a tired mama supposed to find the time to read hundreds of pages to find her solutions? Dream Keys are detailed enough to provide the information you need without completely overwhelming you with extra information.

Dream Keys are the perfect solution for tired families who are self-motivated to do the work of changing sleep habits. If you’ve been confused by all the disjointed information out there and you’re looking for a clear blueprint to follow, Dream Keys are for you. They contain all the information you need in one place, plus there’s a table of contents to make it easier to reference specific sections. Keep in mind, though, Dream Keys are a DIY approach — you’ll receive the necessary information, but there is no personalized support included with this option.

If you’re looking for one-on-one support, one of my consultation packages is the way to go.

Basic Consultation

The Basic Consultation ($150) includes an age-appropriate Dream Key and a one-hour video call to go over the Dream Key and answer questions. This option is perfect for families who want more help getting started, but still feel confident they can implement changes on their own. See below for more information on the whole process from start to finish.

After the Basic Consultation has been purchased, you’ll receive an informational email containing the contract, intake form, and information for scheduling our one-hour call.

The contract must be signed before you can secure a call time slot, and the intake form must be filled out at least 24 hours prior to our video call.

The basics of the contract are that you will talk to your pediatrician if you have any health concerns, you understand that there are no refunds offered for my services, and disregarding my instructions could negatively affect the results or even terminate the contract.

The intake form includes a series of questions about your child and family, including what the sleep issues are, what sleep philosophies you agree with and disagree with, and how you’d like to see things change. The information you provide in the intake form gives me a better idea of how to help you and your family.

Typically about 15 minutes before the video call, I’ll send over the age-appropriate Dream Key. This is to give you a chance to print it out if you’d like, but with no pressure to read through it beforehand. I like to teach you the principles on the call before you read about them so that instead of un-teaching you anything you might misinterpret, I can teach you the principles fresh, and then when you reread the Dream Key, that teaching will be reinforced.

On our one-hour call, I’ll walk you through the Dream Key, ask any additional questions I have from the intake form, and of course I’ll answer all the questions you have along the way, as well. This is a NO JUDGMENT call! I’m here to support and help you, so there’s no need to feel self-conscious or ashamed of what your family is doing to get sleep right now — sleep is SO necessary, and we all try to get it however we can!

If there are any parts of the Dream Key that don’t apply to you (based on your intake form), I’ll either quickly address the item for your future reference, or skip over it altogether — remember, I don’t want to overwhelm you with unnecessary info! Together, we’ll form a plan for how you’re going to sleep train your little one so that you feel confident moving forward.

Within 48 hours of the call, I’ll send you an email that goes over anything we talked about on the call that isn’t directly addressed in the Dream Key. If there are any sections of the Dream Key that you need to pay special attention to, I’ll also include a note of that, along with the page number.

Once I send the email, that’s the end of the Basic Consultation. After that, you’ll need to be the one to implement the changes that we discussed on the call. If you want additional support as you implement, look into the final package option — the Advanced Consultation.

Advanced Consultation

The Advanced Consultation ($280) includes everything from the Basic Consultation, plus support as you implement the changes. This option is perfect for families who want someone there every step of the way to answer questions, offer support, and help make changes.

At some point on the video call, we’ll discuss when a good time to start training will be. I like families to have about 3 weeks with no big changes, travel, or houseguests, so they can dedicate their efforts to the sleep training. We may begin training together within a day or two of the email I send with additional information, or we may choose to delay training for a few days or weeks because of a conflict.

Once we begin, I count on you to fill out a sleep log for your child, including when you lay them down, when they fall asleep, and when they wake up from sleep, along with moods for each of these activities. This information helps me see patterns in their sleep so that I can help you make adjustments to their schedule.

With the Advanced Consultation, you can send me emails or WhatsApp text messages whenever you want, and I guarantee that I will check on both of those each morning and evening. Along with that guarantee, I’m also usually available to respond to the WhatsApp texts within two hours, though there are no guarantees on that.

I typically keep my phone close on nights 1 and 2 of sleep training so that I can offer you as much support and reassurance as I can, since the first two nights are typically the most difficult. Many families that attempt to sleep train on their own give up in the first few nights, so I’m there to help you continue with the training so that you can get the sleep you need and reach the other goals you’re hoping for. I can answer your questions and reassure you that everything will work out.

Most sleep struggles can be solved within two weeks, but some kiddos are more sleep-sensitive or stubborn than others, so the process can take longer. As long as you are doing your part and following my instructions, I will stay with you until we get things on track.

At the conclusion of our time together, we’ll have a 15-minute wrap-up call. In that call we’ll go over all the changes your child has experienced, you’ll be able to ask any last questions you have, and I’ll provide you with some additional information about how your child’s sleep may change in the coming months.

Finally, one month later, I’ll send an email to check in on you to ask how sleep is going. I want to make sure Baby stays on track once we get him/her on track! If any questions have come up in our month apart, you’ll get to ask those at this point so you can continue to feel confident in approaching your child’s sleep.

Upgrades and Extras

If you ever start with a lower package and find you need support, you can always upgrade! It does work out to be a little bit more expensive to do it that way (because it can cause scheduling issues for me), but it’s definitely an option. You can see those upgrade options here.

If you don’t need a full package, I also offer 30-minute phone calls for $50. Simply send me an email to set that up.

I’ve had families find success with each of these options, so it’s really just a matter of how much hands-on support you think you’ll need.

Some families don’t need any, so the Dream Key is a perfect option for them! Other families want to make sure they feel confident with all the methods and structure before they begin, so the Basic Consultation is enough to get them started. Still other families know that they need someone to hold them accountable to make the necessary changes, so the Advanced Consultation is the way to go.

Whatever you decide, just know that I am cheering for you and doing everything I can to help you reach your goals for more sleep and sanity in your life!