10 Products Worth Investing In for Your Newborn

Last week I talked all about the products you DON’T need for your newborn, and this week is all about what you DO need (at least, in my opinion!). These are all things I’ve used and loved and would buy again in a heartbeat.

I’m going to assume that you’re already purchasing a car seat, crib, and stroller for your little bundle of joy, so those items aren’t on this list. And honestly, I don’t have strong opinions about any of these items. Most of the time, I believe in buying the least expensive item that will do the job adequately, and that’s exactly how I feel about these three items. Definitely look for SAFE options, but Baby really doesn’t need anything fancy!

So now that we have those three essentials out of the way, here are 10 other products I recommend for your newborn! And, bonus!, most of them are still useful as your baby gets older. For your convenience, I’ve starred (*) all items that are still useful past the newborn stage.

Which products are worth the investment? Find out the opinion of certified sleep consultant Ashley Holmes in this blog post.

Breastfeeding pillow

If you plan to breastfeed, I definitely recommend a pillow to help you out. In my experience, I only needed one for the first month or two (and I used a Boppy), but it was very helpful for that month or two! Breastfeeding can be difficult, so anything that makes it easier is good in my book! Plus, you can continue to use it for a few more months to help Baby do tummy time or to prop Baby on his side (with his back against the pillow) to help him develop other muscles.

SwaddleMe Original Swaddle

Baby finds familiarity and comfort in the snugness of a swaddle. There are lots of swaddling options out there, but SwaddleMe swaddles have worked well for both my girls, and they’re so affordable! Why spend $50+ on a swaddle when you could spend $10-20 instead? I may try the HALO SleepSack swaddle with my next child simply because it transitions with Baby from swaddle to sleep sack (and is still a great price), but SwaddleMe has done great for me thus far.


Although I usually talk about why I hate binkies, I definitely think that they are a necessary evil for newborns! And if we have to use a binky, we definitely want the binky to be as secure as possible so we don’t have to spend as much time replacing it. The little stuffed animal on the Wubbanub helps prop the binky in place, which can help you get longer naps and nights out of your little one! Because the animal helps prop the binky, I think the bigger the animal, the better. Though definitely keep crib safety recommendations in mind!

Newborn Toys

This is kind of a weird one, but having age-appropriate toys for my newborn this time around was oddly satisfying. Newborns don’t do a ton, but for some reason, we feel the need to entertain them! Feet and wrist rattles and a black and white accordion book allowed me to step away from my baby for a few minutes (while staying close enough, of course!), knowing she’d have something else to entertain her. I definitely like fostering some self-entertainment early on rather than setting myself up to be the forever entertainer!

Dohm Sound Machines

Baby is used to hearing white noise in the womb (Mom’s blood rushing through her veins), so using a sound machine helps create a familiar environment for Baby. Then as Baby gets older, the white noise blocks out other noises that might interrupt Baby’s sleep! I like these sound machines because there are many options for adjusting the sound, and the sound is created by an actual fan! I have a Dohm classic for each of my girls.

Blackout EZ Blinds

Although I recommend napping Baby with some sunlight for the first 6-8 weeks to straighten out days and nights, I recommend pitch blackness for all sleep after that point to help get Baby the most restorative sleep possible. This level of darkness can be quite difficult to achieve, but Blackout EZ Blinds do the trick. See how well they work here.

Pack and Play

I’m no brand snob here — just get a pack and play that fits your budget and use it for the duration that Baby sleeps in your room. Then, BONUS! You can use it for like three years as a travel bed!


I never got to baby wear with my firstborn (Ada) because I could never figure out my wrap! However, this time around, I figured it out and used it frequently. It was the perfect solution for late-afternoon outings with Ada when Holly needed a nap. Plus, since I laid Holly down for most naps, wrap naps were the one time I really soaked up the newborn cuddles. Again, I’m not particular on brands, but I used one like this.

Video Monitor

It’s true that our parents didn’t have video monitors and they did just fine. But for those of you who are like me and prefer the option of checking on Baby whenever, having a video monitor is crucial! I’ve always had a cheap video monitor that has done okay, but I upgraded to a Nanit Plus because it has better quality picture, plus it records and tracks Baby’s sleep — no more watching the camera constantly! Since Holly is still young and I plan on having two more kids, I decided this investment is definitely worth it!

Sleep Knowledge

I honestly think one of the most helpful things you could purchase to help with the newborn stage and beyond is some form of sleep knowledge! If you have an idea of how baby sleep works and how to lay a great sleep foundation, you’ll enjoy your baby so much more! One great option for this knowledge is my Newborn Dream Key, but there is also tons of information available on my blog and in various sleep books.

There’s my list! What would you add? What would you skip? Let me know in the comments!