Month 2

Written September 13, 2022

How Far Along: 9 weeks, 2 days

Size: My app says a pecan, but last week it was a strawberry, and isn’t a strawberry much bigger than a pecan? 🤔

Gender: We did an early gender test with SneekPeak (which we also did with Holly) so we *supposedly* know gender, but I’m always hesitant to trust it until we actually have the gender scan, so I won’t be sharing gender until after the scan. 

Name: If it's a boy, I think he’s fully named now. I proposed a middle name a few weeks ago (to go along with the first name we’ve had picked out for 10 years), and Russ didn’t immediately shut it down, which is always a good sign! I actually showed him about 7 middle names at once, and he didn’t like any of them except my top pick, so like I said, that’s probably it 🤣 If it’s a girl, she’s completely nameless and I have no idea how we’ll come up with something 🤣
(For the record, Russ doesn’t really like to talk about names until after the gender scan because he EXTRA doesn’t trust the SneakPeek test 🤣, so it’s just coincidence that we have one gender’s name picked out but not the other.)

Movement: There have been a few times when I’ve honestly felt like there’s some movement, but I know it’s way too early (especially for me — I’ve never felt a baby move before 20 weeks), so who knows what that’s about! 🤪

Fun Fact: More like a funny story — I’ve explained to Ada before that to make a baby, you need to mix one ingredient from a mommy and one ingredient from a daddy. She’s never asked for further information so I just assumed I was doing this parenting thing right and had given her age-appropriate information. Well one day this month, she said, “You and dad never mixed your ingredients!” And I was like, “Um, yes we did?? That’s how we have a baby growing in my tummy!” And she said, “Well I never saw you!!” 🤣🤣🤣 I guess with my ingredient analogy, she was picturing us baking a cake in the kitchen as a family or something 🤣

Sleep: Well, unfortunately I’m already waking up in the middle of the night at least once every night, usually to go to the bathroom. Sometimes it’s because my blood sugar is low.

Weight Gain: I’m already up 7.4 pounds 😅 More on this next, but basically I’ve been eating constantly. Didn’t help that I had a weeklong vacation in the last month, too! 🤣 I’ve already resigned myself to stretchy pants and maternity pants. Yikes!

Symptoms: I started feeling nauseous around 5.5 weeks, and if my memory serves, this nausea has been far worse than my other two pregnancies. I don’t really throw up with my pregnancies, but I do tend to feel nauseous. With my first two, I only remember feeling it in the mornings, and eating something made it go away. With this one, it’s all day long, and eating A LOT helps it go away. I’ve seriously been consuming SO MUCH FOOD and it’s a problem 😅 But the nausea has started to abate now, thank goodness!
I’ve also been tired and overall just had low-energy. My motivation to do much of anything has been lacking, but it’s coming back as I’m starting to feel better.

Diabetes: I’ve already increased all my rates, now just trying to iron them out so I stay more stable. I’m feeling a little bit like a roller coaster lately with the ups and downs. The fact that I feel nausea at 10pm and need to eat something to make it go away doesn’t help either, since that means my nighttime blood sugars are whacky!

Cravings/Aversions: Strong smells are the worst. Gross stuff like garbage and farts for sure, but also perfume. Can’t stand it! Wheat thins and chips&salsa have been my go-to foods for help with nausea.

Diet/Exercise: I already established that I’m eating way too much. Unfortunately, I’ve also completely stopped my morning walks, since my nausea has been at its worst first thing in the morning. Now that it’s starting to subside, I’ll work on getting back to my walks.

Missing Most: Feeling good 🤣 I feel like I’m constantly complaining about some form of discomfort, and I’m irritated with myself for it. It’s soooo early for pregnancy to already be weighing on me, and yet it is.

Nursery: No changes for now.

Daddy: Feeling better about things, I think. But honestly, we’re both nervous to be outnumbered 😅

Ada & Holly: We told them around 5.5 weeks because Russ’s parents randomly came over (they don’t live in Utah, and I wasn’t expecting them) and we wanted to tell them in person. The girls just happened to be in the room while we did it, and Ada was like “What?!” and then buried her head in the couch like she was embarrassed 🤣 At first she wasn’t sure what to think, but she’s really come around. She’s been so sweet over the last month as I’ve been feeling crappy — she tells me all the time, “I’m so sorry you’re feeling so sick, Mommy 😔” She’s also sweet about the baby — includes it in our prayers and gives my tummy sweet little kisses.
We keep talking with Holly about how there’s a baby in mommy’s tummy. She seems to kind of understand, but she certainly doesn’t understand how much her world is about to change 🙃

Highlights & Memories: 

  • We told both our families when I was 5.5/6 weeks. We were getting together with my family for an adults trip around that time, so we wanted to tell everyone. Since we were telling my family in person, I wanted to do something fun. So I got a shirt that said, “Due in April” and planned to wear it on the first day of the trip (everyone was supposed to arrive in the middle of the night, and then we were all going to spend a few hours sleeping before actually starting the trip). However, my sister and BIL’s flight got delayed, so they didn’t arrive until like 2pm. I didn’t want to tell some people before others, so I waited until that night, when I changed into pajamas, to put on the shirt. The problem was, we were all exhausted by that point. We had flown through the night, spend a few hours shopping for some groceries, and then driven 4 hours to our final destination, so we were just tired. After I put on the shirt, NO ONE NOTICED for like 5 whole minutes! And then when someone did notice, it happened to be in the 2 minutes that Russ and a BIL had stepped outside, so they missed the reactions anyway 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh, well, everyone finally knew!

  • Our trip was to Alaska, and one of the things we did was go fishing on a boat all day. I SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME. Maybe I would have thrown up even if I weren’t pregnant (my brother was equally as sick as me, and my sister threw up once, too), but I DEFINITELY threw up pregnant. I felt awful for the first half (about 4 hours 😅), and I spent a lot of the day lying down, sleeping. Pregnant or not, I don’t think I’ll ever attempt that again because it was such an awful experience 🤣 (Russ, on the other hand, LOVED it, so I guess he can do the fishing for us if the opportunity ever arises again 🤣)

  • Russ has been saying he thinks this is our last child, and I’ve been saying I want 4. However, this pregnancy has also been harder than my last two, so I’m not sure I’m up for doing it again (literally NO CLUE how people who have actually hard pregnancies do it). I was hoping for twins so we could get our 4, but no luck there 🤣

  • Announcing on social media! It’s always fun to share the news with the world. Everyone gets so excited about a new baby!

Can’t Wait For: I guess the next big thing is the gender scan. We’ve announced both our babies genders in the same way, and I’m excited to do that again for #3. I think its such a fun way to announce gender and I never see anyone else announce gender this way :)