Month 3

Written October 16, 2022

How Far Along: 14 weeks 0 days

Size: A troll doll! Or a beet. Seriously though, it must include the stem of the beet, because we ate beets recently and they were definitely smaller/shorter than jalapeños, which is what baby’s size was last week 🤷🏼‍♀️

Gender: We found out with a SneakPeek test around 8 weeks, but we’ll confirm(/deny?) with an ultrasound very soon! (We always do an early scan with Russ’s uncle, who used to be an OB.)

Name: We haven’t talked about names at all the last month. Russ doesn’t like to talk names before finding out gender, and even though I LOVE to talk names, I guess I’ve been distracted by parenting two other children 🤣 That takes up most of my daily energy!

Movement: None yet :)

Fun Fact: I’m in the second trimester now? Can’t think of any other “fun” facts.

Sleep: Sheesh, pregnancy insomnia FOR REAL. I keep waking up at 4 or 5am and not being able to fall back asleep for an hour.

Weight Gain: +12.6 pounds. Yikes haha 😅

Symptoms: Luckily, my nausea subsided early! And around 10 weeks, rather than sticking around for the whole first trimester. Pregnancy has been much more manageable since then! Now my biggest symptoms are the pregnancy insomnia, and just that I keep getting bigger 🤣 I’m also tired, but the jury’s out on whether that’s due to the pregnancy insomnia or simply in addition to it.

Diabetes: Ugh. Had my a1C checked again, and it was exactly the same as last time (7.8), even though I’ve changed rates a ton. I just can’t keep my blood sugars consistent — there’s still a lot of rollercoaster-ing.

Cravings/Aversions: I suppose my sweet tooth is back in full force. It’s like I want a treat every time I turn around 🤣 I’ve been making myself a delicious root beer concoction with root beer and vanilla coffee creamer, and it’s amazing 🤤 but craving that has nothing to do with pregnancy — only that it’s so good!! My only “aversion” is pictures from Alaska. Since I got so sick there, I feel nauseous every time I look at the pictures!!

Diet/Exercise: Still haven’t started eating how I keep saying I’m going to. I’ve added in more healthy foods, but I haven’t yet subtracted all my sugary vices. Or any of them 🤣 And unfortunately, as soon as I no longer felt nauseous, Utah decided to be 43* in the morning, so morning walks have been a no-go for me! We just need to get my elliptical plugged in so I can get back to walking/jogging on that instead.

Missing Most: Comfortably holding Holly in my lap. I still can at the moment, but there’s definitely not as much room for her, and she’s always pushing against my belly uncomfortably. Also bending over easily. My belly is already getting in the way!

Nursery: No changes, except that I thoroughly vacuumed it the other day 🤣

Daddy: We honestly don’t talk about being pregnant that much. Our lives have seemed busy and we’re preoccupied with our other kids, so this pregnancy is taking a backseat, especially since I’ve been feeling better (and therefore not complaining as much 🙃).

Ada & Holly: The other day they were playing like they were a mom feeding a baby milk from a bottle, and it was cute :) Nothing else really to tell, though!

Highlights & Memories: 

  • It’s definitely a highlight that the nausea is over!! And now that I’m through it, I am back to contemplating 4 kids. Russ still probably only wants 3, and I talk daily about how the 2 I have already are driving me NUTS, but idk . . . I’ve always wanted a bigger family with a bunch of kids to be friends with each other. Especially now that I see Ada and Holly play together more, I just want more of that kind of dynamic in our house!

  • Russ and I went on a fancy date — a ski lift ride to see the changing fall colors, and an expensive dinner at a very delicious restaurant. It really has nothing to do with my pregnancy except that I love how Russ and I always make our marriage a priority, no matter how many kids we have. That’s something that will definitely continue!

Can’t Wait For: The gender scan, and announcing gender!!

side by side comparison of months 1-3 of pregnancy