Peter Maverick {11 months}


  • Size 3 diapers

  • 6-12 month clothing; 9-12m fits best.

  • 20.0 pounds (37%) & 29.38 inches (51%) (stayed the same weight but shot up almost an inch??)

Notable events

  • Nothing really. He had his first Valentine’s Day, but that’s about it!


  • He started climbing upstairs toward the beginning of the month, and now he’s a pro!

  • He’s also an expert at pulling up, and he’s now starting to cruise along furniture.

  • Sometimes he crawls with one knee and one foot, and sometimes he tries to get to his feet from crawling. He can’t, but it definitely seems like he wants to get to his feet!

  • He cut one of his top teeth about 2 weeks ago, and I keep thinking the other one will pop through, but it hasn’t quite yet. Nursing is NOT my favorite now that he has teeth on top and bottom. I’ve never experienced this!! (Ada took a bottle [and didn’t get teeth til after her first birthday], and Holly only had two bottom teeth by the time she turned one.)

  • He turns book pages now 😊 He is my first baby that I haven’t really read to 😬 because I wanted an extra simple bedtime routine. However, I’ve started reading more books to him and he pretty much immediately picked up turning the pages!

  • He got another haircut! Russ trimmed up the sides and Peter looks so handsome! 😍

  • He blows on food when I say it’s hot, and he also blows at the wind when it blows at him 🤣

Favorite things

  • He’s been loving the block table and nugget-type cushions at the library!

  • He also loves playing peek-a-boo 😊

  • He loves when we share our sweets with him 🙃

  • He loves to swing and hates to slide.

Random tidbits

  • For the first part of the month, he had his tongue out of his mouth ALL the time. He looked like such a puppy 🤣 I think it may have been because he had a cold, though, because he has mostly stopped that.

  • He’s mirroring words more now, like if we say a specific sound, he’ll usually say it back. (Saying ma, da, and ba)

  • I’ve started calling him Bubba A LOT this month. It just sort of happened. I still use his name, but it’s definitely Bubba a lot.

  • No stranger danger at the moment — we went to our first co-op meet-up the other day, at a new house, and Peter was SO HAPPY the whole time, just looking at all the toys, and crawling up on all the people.

  • Diapers have been much easier to change for the last month or so! He’s not constantly trying to roll off his back anymore, hallelujah!

  • He loves fruit, oatmeal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and sweets. One day, I gave him a bite of ice cream, and at first he looked like he was going to cry because it was cold, but then he didn’t because it was yummy 🤣

  • He is a funny kid. He is either VERY happy, or mostly fussy. I think the issue is his food intake/schedule. He doesn’t always want to drink milk when he wakes up (I usually try to feed upon wakeup), but then he does want to drink milk a little later (sometimes I’ll offer milk again if he seems to want it, usually 30-60 min after he wakes). Then sometimes he doesn’t want to eat solids shortly after because he just had milk. So I think his fussiness has to do with weird hunger patterns. He basically stayed the exact same weight since last month, so he’s probably hungry. Sometimes it seems like he wants more milk.


Sleep has continued to be good, with a little hiccup in the middle of the month when I needed to make some adjustments to give him more awake time.

  • I wake him at 6:30am. The past few days, he’s started to wake on his own around 6:15/20.

  • Goes down for nap 1 at 9am, and I wake him at 10:15am. Goes down for nap 2 at 1:30pm; I wake him at 3:15. He usually falls asleep in 5-10 calm minutes. [Both naps have been cut down by 15 minutes since last month in order to make room for more daytime awake time.]

  • I put him to bed 4 hours after he wakes from nap 2, and he falls asleep within 5-20 calm minutes. Just sort of depends on the day!

  • Seems to be sleeping fully through the night, other than occasionally he’ll wake up for 10-20 minutes around 5:30am.

  • His schedule in waketimes is 2.5-2.75 / 3.25 / 4. His sleep works out to be about 3 daytime hours, 11 nighttime hours, and 14 hours total.