Peter Maverick {12 months}


  • Size 4 diapers

  • 6-12 month clothing; 9-12m fits best.

  • 20.8 pounds (42%) & 29.5 inches (37%)

Notable events

  • We went on a family cabin trip to Zion National Park. He did SO well with all the things that impacted his usual schedule. The trickiest part was getting him to fall asleep in the backpack carrier, but as soon as we covered his eyes with a towel a bit, he fell right to sleep both times (since he was pushing 4 hours of awake time, and his usual in the morning is 2.5 hours 🙃).

    • With his schedule so off, I simply aimed to get roughly his normal TOTAL awake time into the day. So since he usually has waketimes of 2.5/3.25/4, that’s a total of about 9.75. So when he did 4 hours for the first wt, I did about 3 hours for each of his subsequent waketimes


  • More and more, he crawls with one knee and one foot. ON his birthday, he bear crawled for the first time (hands and both feet), possibly because he had bare feet, whereas he’s usually wearing socks or pajamas.

  • He cut his second top tooth, for a total of 4 teeth.

  • He’s finally doing some assisted walking, but so far no steps on his own.

  • Just the other day he stood on his own very briefly! He was standing up, holding onto the dishwasher drawer, so I slowly pushed the drawer closed, and he let go but didn’t relocate his hands.

  • He now leans side to side when music plays and it’s so dang cute.

Favorite things

  • He really fell in love with clapping this month. He kind of did it before, but now he does it with gusto 🤣 He especially loves to “pat-a-cake.”

  • He loves to chase this little blue ball around wherever we roll it to. He also loves this big car thing that goes with a dollhouse I got for my 4th birthday. The car makes noise when you roll it (mechanical noise, not battery-powered noise) and he loves that.

  • He’s really ticklish, and I love tickling him and making him laugh so hard 😍😍

Random tidbits

  • Occasionally when I sing to him before sleep he will cuddle into me and I LOVE it. Because other than that, this boy is not a cuddler. He often wants to be picked up, but almost as often he’ll start wriggling away two seconds after you pick him up.

  • He’s in his toilet stage — the one where he tries to splash in the toilet and unroll toilet paper at any chance he gets 🙃

  • I’ve been in the process of weaning him. For a while I thought I would nurse him a few months past his birthday, but I stopped liking nursing as much when he got top teeth. He didn’t bite me really, it just felt uncomfortable. So I’ve weaned him off one feed each week, and now all that’s left is his feed first thing in the morning. I’ll keep this one at least a few more weeks. It’s been SO nice to not have a bedtime feed though, and I’m stoked to wear all my normal dresses again, since I’ve been stuck with just two nursing dresses for the last year 🤣

  • We got him a new water bottle because the sippy cups we had just didn’t release water quickly enough. We also started giving him more food at meals because he seemed to want it. After making those two changes, he’s a much happier kid. He still has his moments, but I really do think a lot of his fussiness the last few months has been due to hunger/thirst 🙈😬


Sleep is going well. He’s starting to show signs of needing a little less sleep/more awake time, but so far I haven’t made any changes.

  • I wake him at 6:30am. Sometimes he wakes on his own around 6:15/20.

  • Goes down for nap 1 at 9am, and I wake him at 10:15am. Goes down for nap 2 at 1:30pm; I wake him at 3:15. Sometimes falls asleep in 5-10 calm minutes. Other times he takes more like 15-20 minutes to fall asleep. Occasionally he’ll cry before he falls asleep.

  • I put him to bed 4 hours after he wakes from nap 2, and he has started taking longer to fall asleep — 20-30 minutes is becoming common (sign he needs more awake time).

  • Sleeps through the night, but has started having brief wakings here and there (5-10 minutes each, 2-3x/night — another sign he needs more awake time).

  • His schedule in waketimes is 2.5-2.75 / 3.25 / 4. His sleep works out to be about 2.5 daytime hours, 11 nighttime hours, and 13.5 hours total.