Peter Maverick {4 months}


  • Size 3 diapers, and blowing out much less these days! 🎉🎉🎉

  • We’ve basically moved completely to the 3-6 month size. His 3-6m jammies kind of drown him, but onesies look fine :)

  • 15.8 pounds (57%), 26 1/8 inches (85%) — He’s definitely just growing into his body now — only gained .4 lbs in the last month but seems plenty happy with the milk I provide!

Notable events

  • He actually went swimming for the first time back in June, but he’s been a few more times this month and he just loves it. We typically use an Otteroo, and he’s just so happy to kick around!

  • We went to Park City a few weeks ago and we had a big scare. One minute he was happy and smiling in his car seat while we ate dinner, and then he started crying and would. not. stop. I tried feeding him but he REFUSED. We tried bouncing him to sleep but he was not having it. Eventually he got so worked up that his breathing became irregular and scary! We thought maybe it was due to the elevation change (because this all happened basically right after we got up to Park City) since he had some oxygen issues as a newborn, but we finally got him to sleep, and once he had slept a bit, he was willing to eat.


  • Laughing! He actually started laughing early on in this last month, so closer to 3 months than 4.

  • He’s started crunching his legs up to his tummy, but definitely not rolling yet.

  • He’s so good at tummy time — does it for a long time without complaining.

  • Cooing/talking so much

  • More eye contact/engagement, specifically if you call to him, he’s pretty likely to look at you.

Favorite things

  • I love that sweet little laugh!

  • He loves grabbing the neck of his clothing and sucking on it.

  • He’s still wild about bathtime. It’s so stinking cute.

  • He smiles and laughs when we blow raspberries on his belly, tickle him, and kiss his cheeks repeatedly :)

Random tidbits

  • I saw something about how to get rid of cradle cap, so I did it to Pete. It got rid of his cradle cap, alright, AND all his hair. He’s such a baldy now 🤣

  • We had a little trip to St. George at the beginning of the month, and at one point he was crying a lot in his car seat, but there was nothing I could do (i.e. he was fed, burped, and clean, just wasn’t enjoying the drive). I did reach my hand back and he held onto it and did much better when I was doing this! I was surprised it helped at all since he was so young — definitely seems like something that would work better for an older baby/toddler!

  • His nursery is coming together!! Still quite a few things to do, but becoming more and more his (and less and less girly) every day :)


Sleep . . . has been annoying. I started sleep training way early and it mostly backfired. Night sleep got better quickly, but naps have only started getting better in the last couple days.

  • Usually has two appropriately timed nightfeeds, and is either asleep or content when I lay him back down after. Sometimes it’s just one nightfeed.

  • Been waking up around 6:15/45am the last few days. Bedtime is anywhere between 5:30&7:30pm, but most often has been around 6pm.

  • Has been taking mostly short naps since we started sleep training (typically 40 minutes), but in the last few days has had a few naps more like 50/55 minutes, and even a couple naps that were more than an hour 🙌🏻

  • I’ve been ALL OVER THE PLACE with waketimes, which is likely why I’ve had such a tough time sleep training this kid. I have a really hard time following my own rule of staying consistent with WTs for 3 days before making a change 🤪 But in the last couple days I’ve been more consistent, and the WTs I’ve been using are basically all 1.5 (or 1.5 plus 5-10 more minutes), with the final WT being 2 hours. So far this is usually 3 naps, or 3 naps plus one failed nap.

  • Sometimes he falls asleep calmly and peacefully; sometimes he cries for a few minutes until he conks out. I think we’ll have more calm and peace as we solidify waketimes and start getting longer naps more consistently.

  • He does not suck his thumb or any fingers to fall asleep, so this is new for me! But also not surprising since he didn’t rely on a binky to fall asleep as a newborn (like his sisters used). Sometimes he shakes his head back and forth, which is more reminiscent of the rocking-to-sleep that he was used to prior to sleep training.

  • My “good mindset” from last month basically died when we started sleep training because things did not improve as quickly as I would have thought, so it’s been a difficult few weeks! Things are maybe hopefully on their way now, though! 🤞🏻