Peter Maverick {5 months}


  • Size 3 diapers

  • 3-6 month clothing fits pretty perfectly these days :)

  • 16.4 pounds (47%) & 26.5 inches (75%)

Notable events

  • We gave him his first haircut! Pretty much all of his hair had fallen out, so the 6 remaining long hairs looked silly. We evened everything out and it looks better, but the ends feel a bit rougher than they used to. My baby boy is growing up! 😢 It looks like the hair he has coming in might be blonde! My other babies have also come with dark hair that grew in lighter, but from what I can tell, his hair looks SUPER blonde.


  • This kid is still not rolling! He has rolled twice from belly to back, but it was mostly accidental. He tries really hard to roll from back to belly, but he’s not quite there!

  • He pushes up on his arms sometimes.

  • He brings his hands to midline to grab things pretty well.

  • He interacts with toys more. Mostly he puts them in his mouth right away :)

  • I switched to letting him sit up in the stroller instead of being in his car seat.

  • He’s finally taking long naps! More info later on.

Favorite things

  • I still love kissing his squishy cheeks 😍

  • He loves standing up (with us holding his hands or under his arms).

  • Ada loves to make him laugh by playing peek-a-boo.

Random tidbits

  • We’re still exclusively breastfeeding, which is so exciting! But he won’t take a bottle at all (such a new problem for me! 🤣), so I’ve been trying to practice with him almost every day to get him to take one. I forget often though, so we haven’t made much improvement.


I have literally been sleep training for 7.5 weeks (sleep training typically takes 2-3 weeks, and can take even less!). I hired my original sleep consultant to help me figure this kid out, and she and I have been working together for 3.5 weeks, and I think we are FINALLY on the right track (aka, things are STILL not perfect, but we’re almost there, aka THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!). Pete needs long wake windows to take good naps, so both when I was on my own and when I started with Pam, we’ve been cautious to expand his WW too quickly, but Pam and I agree that he needs long windows. Naps have started being consistently long in the last few days, but nights took a hit in the last few weeks and we’re still working to resolve those.

  • Wakes up about 6:50, or I wake him up at that time. Bedtime has been between 6:30&7pm lately.

  • Takes 3 naps per day, with the first two being longer (1-1.75 hours) and the last one being a catnap (30-45 min). Sometimes he wakes after 40 min for one of his first two naps, and then falls back asleep while nursing, so I let him sleep longer in order to get him a full nap.

  • Waketimes are 2/2.25/2/2 at the moment, which correlates pretty well to my set nap time recommendations (that babies are usually ready for between 6&8 months) of 8:45/9am and 12:45/1pm, with a catnap about 4:15. I do typically have to wake him from his second nap by 2:15 to be sure to fit the third nap.

  • He has this early nightwake that has really been driving me crazy. At his age, he should be able to go 5.5+ hours between his bedtime feed and his first nightfeed, but he has consistently been waking up 2ish hours before that! For a while I let him cry at that time, but he would cry 1-2 hours every night and I wasn’t seeing any improvement, so for 2 or 3 days, I fed him at that time. He would go right back to sleep after, but it meant I was giving him 3 nightfeeds, and he really doesn’t need more than 2 (often he does just 1!). Feeding him at that time actually solidified for me that he doesn’t really need that feed — he wouldn’t nurse for a super long time and he wasn’t super enthusiastic about it. But the real kicker was that then he started waking even earlier in the night, so I knew we were going backwards and got back to night training at that point. For the last three nights, his crying has gone down each night (2.5h, 1.75h, 1h), so I’m hoping that either tonight or the next night it will drop out completely. BUT WHO KNOWS because this kid is changing all sorts of things I thought were true about baby sleep 🤣