Peter Maverick {6 months}


  • Size 3 diapers

  • Still rocking 3-6 month clothing.

  • 16.6 pounds (31%) & 27 inches (67%)

Notable events

  • We finally had his baby blessing! He looked so cute in his dapper little outfit 😍 We then celebrated with a brunch at our house.


  • Wasn’t really rolling at all last month, and now he is consistently rolling both back to belly, and belly to back. However, only over his right shoulder. I see him work on his left sometimes, but he usually gets frustrated and reverts to what he knows 🤣

  • Now that he rolls, he’s mostly a belly sleeper.

  • For a little bit, he was blowing lots of raspberries, but he doesn’t do it much anymore.

  • He gives these giant, open-mouthed, slobbery kisses and I love them 😍 I’ll kiss his cheek a bunch and then turn to give him mine and he’ll open his mouth wide and lean toward me 😍

  • We started giving him solids in the past week. I wanted to wait til 6 months, but he just seemed to be famished all the time, so we went for it. He is my best solid eater! He caught on very quickly. I plan to do more baby-led weaning in the coming weeks and months, but this week we’ve just done frozen bananas in a mesh feeder, and purees by spoon. He’s already eating two meals per day (2-3” banana for lunch, one 2 oz. puree for dinner), which is wild since I think I usually spend a month or two working up to that 😅

Favorite things

  • He’s started to snuggle during his sleep-time song!! I’m so excited to have another snuggler!

  • He enjoys all the toys on his exersaucer.

  • He does cute things with his tongue.

  • He always seems to be smiling when either/both of his sisters are around :)

Random tidbits

  • Ada (7) has been interested in helping out with Peter, so she changes his diaper now and then.

  • He has gotten impatient about burping between sides when breastfeeding


I’m about ready to kill his sleep. I’ve been working on it for 12 weeks, 6 of those with a sleep consultant. Every time I think we’re on the right track, he regresses again. I think what’s been happening is that as soon as we figure it out, his sleep needs decrease so we have to figure it out again — repeatedly. Right before parting ways, Pam (my consultant) and I agreed that it was time to transition Pete to two naps. However, this transition has not been going well. I have never recommended transitioning to two naps this early (I usually recommend 7-9 months; I started the transition with him more than a week ago!), but this kid needs crazy awake time, and then there are still issues.

  • I wake him at 6:30am, but sometimes he wakes on his own in the 5am hour. In those cases, I feed him on one side at 6am, and he usually falls back asleep within 5-10 min. I keep holding him until 6:30am, at which point I wake him.

  • Bedtime is between 6:30&7pm lately.

  • Trying for two naps per day. Sometimes they go really well, and sometimes they don’t. It’s incredibly frustrating to not know which way they’re going to go. Usually if he has a crappy morning nap, he’ll have a great afternoon nap.

  • I tried my set nap schedule (9am&1pm) for a few days, but it didn’t click; again, he seems to need longer waketimes/more awake time than that schedule allows for. The last few days, I’ve been trying another set-nap schedule based on the waketimes 2.5/3/3.5. With me waking him at 6:30am, and again at 10:30am, it puts his naps at 9 and 1:30pm. But this doesn’t seem to be working either. He often wakes after one sleep cycle (about 40 min for him), and then I’ll go in his room, keep it dark, and feed him back to sleep. Then I hold him until he gets to my desired sleep end time so that I can keep trying to get him in the habit of a schedule rather than waketimes alone (waketimes alone make for a more sporadic daily schedule that I’m working to get away from). If you would have asked me if I would nurse my baby to sleep at this age even just a few months ago, my answer would have probably been “of course not” . . . but that just goes to show you that we do what we have to do to get our kids to sleep! (In his particular case, I know that this nursing to sleep isn’t causing too many issues because he still falls asleep on his own at the beginning of naps and nights just fine.)

  • On top of all of that not working, he also gets SLEEPY — in the first waketime of the day when I take him on a walk, in the last WT of the day if we go on a family walk, and often during his bedtime feed (that happens at the start of his bedtime routine). He manages to seem both overtired and undertired all at the same time.

  • He mostly eliminated that pesky nightwake he was having a month ago, but then it came back with a vengeance. I had to up his waketimes quickly because he was not doing well with less overall awake time (3 naps means 4 wake windows; 2 naps means only 3 wake windows). I have a feeling that a few more days of consistency on this 2.5/3/3.5 schedule will work out the night issues, but I’m honestly not sure. I know he’s not waking for hunger, because there was one day when he woke too early for his nightfeed and I fed him anyway. Then I fed him again a few hours later in the night when he woke at an appropriate time. And THEN, right after I laid him back down, THAT is when he decided to do his night crying.

  • He mostly just has one nightfeed now, except for that occasional 6am mini feed.

  • I feel so. incredibly. crappy. about everything that is happening with his sleep. I feel just like how I did when I struggled with Ada’s sleep, only now it’s worse because I have all this sleep knowledge and I still can’t figure it out at all. I am not okay.