Peter Maverick {7 months}


  • Size 3 diapers

  • Mostly wearing 3-6 month clothing, but 6-9 month clothing fits pretty well, too.

  • 17.8 pounds (39%) & 27.5 inches (61%)

Notable events

  • Nothing super notable happened this month 🤷🏼‍♀️


  • Another whole month and he still almost exclusively rolls over only his right shoulder. He JUST started rolling belly-to-back over his left shoulder within the last day or two, and only a couple times.

  • He can kind of sit up . . . it’s more of a tripod sit, where he’s leaning forward on his hands a bit, but he can do so unassisted for at least a few seconds.

  • He’s constantly on his hands and knees, but so far no crawling.

  • He does move around though! Turns radially and accidentally scoots himself back.

  • He has said “dada” a few times now.

  • He was giving kisses last month, but this month he’s upped his game and given a few where he like sucks on my cheek 🤣🤣

  • He’s obsessed with food. He eats 3 meals a day (all lined up with our own meals), and now that I’ve started giving him some table food (banana, avocado, blueberries in a mesh feeder, mostly) he isn’t very interested in purees. Every time I give him a new table food he gets so excited! He really liked sloppy joes and mac’n’cheese 🤣

Favorite things

  • He LOVES bouncing in his exersaucer. He jumps so big and so much and makes so much noise 🤣

  • He loves his sisters so much. They both love to smother him with love and he seems to like it!

  • He’s such a smiley kid. I love him so much 😍

Random tidbits

  • He’s having a bit of stranger danger already! If he can still see me, he’s pretty good with unfamiliar people, but I went to a baby shower, and my friend (who he doesn’t know) held him, and he was fine until he realized I was nowhere in sight — then he started crying so sad!

  • He also cried when he saw me after I got back from being gone for an hour or two. It was like he just wanted me to hold him, because he was laughing a ton with me as soon as I had him. I think he had just missed me 🤣


Last month, I was dying when it came to his sleep. I had him on really big wake windows and two naps and everything was a mess. One day, when he fell asleep in the car WAY EARLY during a 10-minute drive, I decided to scale back waketimes and try shorter ones again, and it seemed to click right away! I had tried those WTs before, but they had caused problems; then all of a sudden, they worked 🤷🏼‍♀️ So for most of the month, his sleep has looked like this:

  • Wake him at 6:45am.

  • Naps are 9-10:30am, 1-2:15pm, and 4:15-5pm, with him typically falling asleep in 5 or so minutes. This works out to waketimes of 2.25 / 2.5 / 2 / 2.5.

  • Sometimes I assist him with the third nap, sometimes he does fine on his own. Sometimes he falls asleep quickly, other times he takes 15-20 minutes.

  • For most of the last month, his WT before bed was 2.5, but I recently upped it to 2.75 because he was doing this weird thing where he’d fall asleep after 15 minutes, sleep for 7-10 min, wake back up for 10-15 min, and then fall asleep for the night. Upping the waketime eliminated this weird false-start and he now falls asleep in 10 minutes or so.

  • He usually just wakes for one nightfeed, and usually at an appropriate time. I typically feed him sometime between 2:30&4:30am. Occasionally he’ll wake up early, but I think that is tied to the day sleep that came before (something being off with the daytime sleep). A couple times he’s slept until 5:30am! But if he does that, he’s awake for 20 or so minutes when I put him back in his crib, or I just hold him to help keep him asleep. I think he could probably sleep through the night if I just didn’t go to him for 3 nights in a row, but after all the crying he did in the night from months 4-6, I have a hard time letting him cry. So instead, I’m trying a gradual weaning. When his feeds got later, I started doing just one side, which worked fine. Then in the last few days, I’ve cut off one minute each night. So currently, we’re down to a 5-minute feed, and he’s done great with that so far.

  • In the last week or so, he’s been giving signs of being ready for 2 naps. He struggles with at least one of his naps almost every day — either takes a short nap, or takes a long time to fall asleep, or needs assistance getting back to sleep after a short nap. However, on the two days I’ve tried two naps, things didn’t go well. This kid is tricky, I tell ya!

  • I’m doing all sorts of things with this kid’s sleep that I’ve never done with my girls. I hold him or nurse him to help him sleep, REGULARLY. Which is something that, when sleep training, I don’t typically recommend. However, working on your kid’s sleep is mostly about what you feel comfortable doing and/or what you’re willing to do, and I’m willing to do this for him to make sure he gets the sleep he needs. I’d rather him sleep better all on his own, but mostly I want to make sure he gets enough sleep. He still does A LOT of sleep on his own, and I never nurse him to sleep at the beginning of a sleep (except sometimes for that third nap), but I am definitely doing tons of things I don’t regularly recommend 🤣 It’s working well enough for me for now that I don’t feel an urgent rush to follow my typical protocols. You gotta do what feels right for you, and apparently that can change from kid to kid 🤣