Russ and I recently had the amazing opportunity to visit Paris, France, to celebrate our 10 year anniversary! Here are the 3 things I think everyone should know/figure out before visiting Paris (or, honestly, anywhere international!).
How to Leave Your Kids with Someone Else while You Vacation
How to Rock Your Summer
SCSP Book Club: Simplicity Parenting
We live in a world that has gotten too fast for childhood. We’ve learned to need too much. Simplicity Parenting reminds us of all the ways that we can slow down and pull back from the excess, in order to give our kids a little more breathing room; to give them a chance at a real childhood rather than fast-tracking them to adulthood.
Quiet Time for Big Kids
SCSP Book Club: How to Raise an Adult
Will your kids be ready to do things for themselves when they leave home, or will you both be hoping they can pack you away in their college suitcase? How to Raise an Adult is about making sure we give our kids the opportunity to learn how to navigate life on their own so they — and we — can feel confident when they’re ready to go. Check out this blog post for my top 3 takeaways from this book (plus several honorable mention takeaways 😂).
5 Steps Toward Sleeping Through the Night
SCSP Book Club: The Brave Learner
Are you curious about homeschooling? Or perhaps just wondering how to create a more enchanting environment for helping your child learn public school material? The Brave Learner is all about how to make learning magical, exciting, and a way of life! Check out this blog post for my top 3 takeaways from this book.