SCSP Book Club: How to Raise an Adult

SCSP Book Club: How to Raise an Adult

Will your kids be ready to do things for themselves when they leave home, or will you both be hoping they can pack you away in their college suitcase? How to Raise an Adult is about making sure we give our kids the opportunity to learn how to navigate life on their own so they — and we — can feel confident when they’re ready to go. Check out this blog post for my top 3 takeaways from this book (plus several honorable mention takeaways 😂).

How to Adjust Baby's Schedule for Daylight Savings Time (Spring)

How to Adjust Baby's Schedule for Daylight Savings Time (Spring)

If the upcoming schedule change due to Daylight Savings makes you nervous for your child’s sleep, never fear! This blog post gives you four options for adjusting her sleep and keeping the nice, predictable schedule you’ve worked so hard to obtain, as well as a free guide to keep you on track!