Sleep training can be an incredibly difficult process. Knowing WHY you're doing it can help you continue through the difficult times to get to the other side!
When kids move from a crib to a bed, they suddenly have the freedom to leave their bed, and many kids will take advantage of this! Teach your child to stay in her own bed by following the steps outlined in this post.
Bedtime routines are one of the three key pieces of healthy sleep for your little one. Check out this post for more information on why routines are so important and to find some ideas for bedtime routines.
This sleep training method involves very brief checks at very frequent intervals so that Baby learns to trust that Mom and Dad are never far away, allowing Baby to access his own self-soothing capabilities.
"Never wake a sleeping baby," "babies fall asleep when tired," and "babies eventually outgrow their sleep problems" are all LIES. Check out this post to learn the truth!
This week I’m answering five of YOUR questions. Check out this post if you’re wondering about dream feeds, bouncing Baby to sleep, teething, prolonged nightwakings, or dropping night feeds.
Too late of a bedtime can cause early morning wakeups, extra nightwakings, bedtime battles, and general overtiredness that contributes to poor napping — talk about trouble! Check out this post to learn how to appropriately time bedtime for your child.
Nightwakings are exhausting for the whole family. Check out this post to find out what you could be doing differently to encourage your baby to sleep through the night ASAP!